Matt Sonderen, Board member and Deb Harper, Club President each made an announcement regarding the finish of the investigatory process regarding complaints about political ads from the podium during the March 7, 2019, Rotary meeting.
Greetings Rotarians. For those of you I have not met, my name is Matt Sonderen and I am a member of your Rotary Club 21 board. I would like the current board to please stand.
On behalf of the board, I’d like to let you know we have made some mistakes of late that we would like to own up to. One of those may be nominating me to give this address but you can be the judge of that.
The other is regarding transparency and clarity of communication. In particular, your Rotary Board was not as clear and consistent in communicating with some of our members who expressed recent concerns.
When concerns come up we have a process to discuss them. Lately, we dropped the ball in communicating the process and following up with the members, which drug issues out and created frustration. We apologize for our part in that. We have also put in place measures to ensure additional transparency in the Clubs business. Documents to and from this club are open to any member upon request. We would also remind members that board meetings are also open to any member and always will welcome your presence.
We have taken steps to assure any communication addressed to the board is promptly delivered and are working on getting our meeting minutes posted to our website.
We are all human. We make mistakes, but please know we take our job as your Directors seriously. We are here for you, so please don’t hesitate to bring forward questions or concerns. We welcome your suggestions and solutions. We will do our best to be as open and responsive as possible. Thank you.
Matt Sonderen
From President Dr. Deb Harper: