As you may know, every month is dedicated to one of the major themes of our Rotary lives; this month the theme is that which RI is perhaps best known, is Disease Prevention and Treatment Disease prevention and treatment is one of the Rotary Foundation Areas of Focus for good reason. According to the UN, 400 million people in the world can’t afford or don’t have access to basic health care. Rotary leads efforts both large and small. We set up temporary clinics, blood donation centers, and training facilities in underserved communities struggling with outbreaks and healthcare access. We design and build infrastructure that allows doctors, patients, and governments to work together.
Our members combat diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and of course, polio. Prevention is important, which is why we also focus on health education, hearing, vision, and dental care. Rotary members have hundreds of health projects underway around the world at any given time. One example is In Liberia, where Rotary members are helping women get tested for HIV early in their pregnancies. Over the past two year, Rotary used prenatal care to reduce new HIV infections in children by 95 percent! Wow, what a huge difference for these children and their mothers thanks to Rotary.
You are a Rotarian. You’re a Difference Maker, helping make the world a better place through disease prevention and treatment! Thank you for all you do as we go forward this year and every year as we fulfill the goal and "Be the Inspiration!"
And that is today’s Rotary Minute!